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Our $100,000 Goal!


Gifts, as of April 15: 


Thank you to Ella and Han Helders, for their $10,000 gift to the English Tea.
We are grateful for their longstanding support of CRC!


Thank you to these supporters who converted their ticket and table purchases into 100% donations!

Frances Abrams
Valerie Agnew
Jeryl Lynn Badour
Elizabeth S, Balfour
The JoAnne M. Berg Charitable Giving Fund at Fidelity
Clara Blenis
Audrey Bromstad
Lynne Calkins
Joyce Calvin
Gail Carroll
Susan Chance & Igor Korneitchouk
Tressa Chung
June Collins
Chris Collins
Cynthia Collins
Natasha Cortina
Deborah de la Cruz
Dianne Deuitch
Katrina Dodson
Marion Dodson
Mary Ann Eibel
Ellie Favalora
Jeri Feldman
Sue Forster
Suzanne Gere
Kathy Gilbert
Eileen Griffiths
Julie Hampton
Lee M. Haydu
Ella & Han Helders
Pamela Jenkins
Kathleen Johnson
Carol L. Johnson
Ron & Judith Josephson
Carol Katayama
Jennifer Kelly
Wendy Khentigan
Laura King
Karin & Gary Kloehn
Karen Koblentz
Trudy Kranz-Whitney
Marie Lampone
Amy Larson
Elizabeth Leonard
Susan Lesan
Barbara Leuer
Robin Lipka
Diana Miles
Robin Missailidis
Patricia Moore & Helmut Kiffmann
Michelle Mueller
Sue Neshat
Sabra Norris
Teri O'Brien
Margaret Oppliger
Barbara Pasquale
Rosemary Perlmeter
Cheri Pogeler
Sherry Proctor-Oonk
Betty Putnam
Sara Rosenbaum
Jane Sanders
Jody Sather
Judith Schnack
Melissa Silva
Carol Simmons
Karen Smarr
Jean Stelter
Michelle Utter
Paula Verdu
Christy Walton
Fe Watt
Robert  Webb & Ellen Webb Nakamura
Oliver Welty
Darlene Whorley
Carrie Winters
Anne Wolfe
Jill Young
Candace Young-Schult
Katherine Zacharias
Joan Zeenkov
Carol Zeenkov
Jenelle Zingg

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